Show a combination of lines and filled curves in the overview

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Variant voAppearance
	Get ComVisualAppearance to voAppearance
	Handle hoAppearance
	Get Create (RefClass(cComAppearance)) to hoAppearance
	Set pvComObject of hoAppearance to voAppearance
		Get ComAdd of hoAppearance 1 "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\EBN\googlebtn.ebn" to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoAppearance
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSelResize to |CI$1808080
	Set ComBackground OLEexOverviewSel to |CI$1f0f0f0
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Set ComSeriesColors to "blue,lightblue,green"
	Variant voValueAxes
	Get ComValueAxes to voValueAxes
	Handle hoValueAxes
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxes)) to hoValueAxes
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxes to voValueAxes
		Variant voValueAxis
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes Nothing to voValueAxis
		Handle hoValueAxis
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
			Set ComStart of hoValueAxis to 0.1
			Set ComCursorFormat of hoValueAxis to "(value format ``) replace `.` with `<font ;6><off -4><fgcolor A0A0A0> `"
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
		Variant voValueAxis1
		Get ComAdd of hoValueAxes "2nd" to voValueAxis1
		Handle hoValueAxis1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis1
		Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis1 to voValueAxis1
			Set ComEnd of hoValueAxis1 to 0.1
			Set ComVisible of hoValueAxis1 to False
			Variant voGridLinesOptions
			Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis1 to voGridLinesOptions
			Handle hoGridLinesOptions
			Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
			Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
				Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to -1
			Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
		Send Destroy to hoValueAxis1
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxes
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Date"
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value mid 9 left 2"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "`<fgcolor black>` + ((0:=date(value)) format `mmm`) + (month(=:0) = 1 ? `<br><b>` + (=:0 format `YYYY`) : ``)"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to (OLEexTextAlignBottom + OLEexTextAlignRight)
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Variant voTickOptions
		Get ComMajorTicks of hoCategoryAxis to voTickOptions
		Handle hoTickOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComTickOptions)) to hoTickOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoTickOptions to voTickOptions
			Set ComColor of hoTickOptions to "black"
		Send Destroy to hoTickOptions
		Set ComCursorFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "value left 10"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions1
		Get ComOverviewGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions1
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions1
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions1 to voFormatGridLinesOptions1
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions1 to "value left 4"
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions1 to "lightgray"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "<fgcolor blue>MSFT</fgcolor>"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
			Set ComCursorFormat of hoSerie to "`Open: <b>` + (%v0 format `0`) + `</b><br>High: ` + (%v1 format `0`) + `<br>Low: ` + (%v2 format `0`) + `<br>Close: <b>` + (%v1 format `0`) + `</b>`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComName of hoSerie1 to "<fgcolor lightblue>Volume</fgcolor>"
			Set ComData of hoSerie1 to "Volume"
			Set ComAxis of hoSerie1 to "2nd"
			Set ComCursorFormat of hoSerie1 to "(name replace `lightblue` with `white`) + `: ` + (value format `0`)"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
		Variant voSerie2
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie2
		Handle hoSerie2
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie2
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie2 to voSerie2
			Set ComName of hoSerie2 to "<fgcolor green>Adj Close</fgcolor>"
			Set ComData of hoSerie2 to "Adj Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie2 to "line"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie2 OLEexLineSize to 2
			Set ComStyle of hoSerie2 to OLEexSpline
			Set ComVisible of hoSerie2 to False
			Set ComCursorFormat of hoSerie2 to "(name replace `green` with `white`) + `: ` + (value format `0`)"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie2
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
		Set ComSerie of hoOverview to "0,1:darkblue-fill lightblue"
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComGrid of hoLegend to "x1"
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Display multiple curves of values in the overview

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
		Set ComSerie of hoOverview to "0:black,0[1]:red,0[2]:blue,0[3]:green"
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Display the series as a filled curve rather than a line in the overview

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
		Set ComSerie of hoOverview to "0:red-fill"
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Redefine the color to show the serie within the overview

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
		Set ComSerie of hoOverview to "0:red"
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color, style and width/size to display the lines of values in the overview

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
		Variant voLineOptions
		Get ComLine of hoOverview to voLineOptions
		Handle hoLineOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions to voLineOptions
			Set ComColor of hoLineOptions to "red"
			Set ComWidth of hoLineOptions to 2
			Set ComStyle of hoLineOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Resizes of the control's overview

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
		Set ComSize of hoOverview to 32
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Anchors the overview-window

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
		Set ComDock of hoOverview to OLEexLeft
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shows the overview

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/msft.csv"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "msft"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "Open,High,Low,Close"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voOverview
	Get ComOverview to voOverview
	Handle hoOverview
	Get Create (RefClass(cComOverview)) to hoOverview
	Set pvComObject of hoOverview to voOverview
		Set ComVisible of hoOverview to True
	Send Destroy to hoOverview
	Send ComEndUpdate
Locks the legend (no value is hidden or shown when user clicks a symbol)
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComLocked of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Aligns the legend's content

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComGrid of hoLegend to "2x"
		Set ComAlign of hoLegend to OLEexStart
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Arranges the legend objects on columns and rows

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComGrid of hoLegend to "2x"
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Arranges the legend objects on columns and rows

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComFlow of hoLegend to OLEexTopToBottom
		Set ComGrid of hoLegend to "x2"
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Arranges the legend objects from left to right or top to bottom

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComFlow of hoLegend to OLEexTopToBottom
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the size to display the symbol, within the legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComSymbolWidth of hoLegend to 32
		Set ComSymbolHeight of hoLegend to 32
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the height to display the symbol, within the legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComSymbolHeight of hoLegend to 32
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the width to display the symbol, within the legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComSymbolWidth of hoLegend to 32
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Aligns the symbol of the serie relative to the label of the serie, within the legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComSymbolAlign of hoLegend to (OLEexSymbolCenter + OLEexSymbolTop)
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Displays the labels using a fixed-size

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComFormatText of hoLegend to OLEexTextWordBreak
		Set ComLabelFixedWidth of hoLegend to 48
		Set ComLabelFixedHeight of hoLegend to 32
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Displays the labels using a fixed-height

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComFormatText of hoLegend to OLEexTextAlignVCenter
		Set ComLabelFixedHeight of hoLegend to 32
		Set ComDock of hoLegend to OLEexLeft
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Displays the labels using a fixed-width

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComFormatText of hoLegend to OLEexTextEndEllipsis
		Set ComLabelFixedWidth of hoLegend to 32
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the labels on the legend (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComLegendFormat of hoSerie to "``"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the labels on the legend (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComFormatText of hoLegend to OLEexTextCalcRect
		Set ComLabelFixedWidth of hoLegend to 1
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the flags the labels use to display on the legend (for instance, displays the labels on multiple lines)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComFormatText of hoLegend to OLEexTextWordBreak
		Set ComLabelFixedWidth of hoLegend to 48
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Reverses the order of the items within the legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComReverse of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the legend's padding (space between legend's symbol/label and its borders)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComPad of hoLegend to "12,0"
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the edge of the container the legend-window is anchored to

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
		Set ComDock of hoLegend to OLEexTop
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Show the legend

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComAsPercent of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Pacific Ocean(16525), Atlantic Ocean(10646), Indian Ocean(7056), Southern Ocean(2033), Arctic Ocean(1406)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the tooltip's padding (space between tooltip's caption and its borders), for tooltips when cursor hovers the chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComTooltipPad of hoCursor to "8,8"
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the foreground and background colors to show the tooltips on values

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComSerieTooltipBackColor of hoCursor to "red"
		Set ComSerieTooltipForeColor of hoCursor to "yellow"
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the foreground and background colors to show the tooltips on axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComAxisTooltipBackColor of hoCursor to "red"
		Set ComAxisTooltipForeColor of hoCursor to "yellow"
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color, width or style of line to display the crosshair over the hover/touch area (showCursorCategoryLine or showCursorValueLine)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Variant voLineOptions
		Get ComLine of hoCursor to voLineOptions
		Handle hoLineOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions to voLineOptions
			Set ComColor of hoLineOptions to "red"
			Set ComStyle of hoLineOptions to 0
			Set ComWidth of hoLineOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the horizontal x-line, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart (available for xy-chart types only)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "11 22 33,44 55 66,77 88 99,12 34 56,78 90 23" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexScatterPlotSize to 64
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "21 32 43,54 65 76,87 98 09,45 67 89,90 23 45" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie1 OLEexScatterPlotSize to 64
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComShowCursorYLine of hoCursor to False
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the vertical y-line, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart (available for xy-chart types only)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "11 22 33,44 55 66,77 88 99,12 34 56,78 90 23" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexScatterPlotSize to 64
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "21 32 43,54 65 76,87 98 09,45 67 89,90 23 45" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComType of hoSerie1 to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie1 OLEexScatterPlotSize to 64
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComShowCursorXLine of hoCursor to False
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the horizontal/vertical value/y-line, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComShowCursorValueLine of hoCursor to False
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Displays all tooltips for all series of the category unit being indicated by the vertical/horizontal category/x-line

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComShowCursorSerieTooltip of hoCursor to OLEexCursorSerieShowAll
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
The pointer indicates the series whose tooltip is displayed, when the crosshair cursor hovers its chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComShowCursorSerieTooltip of hoCursor to OLEexCursorSerieShowExact
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the tooltip when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "Asia(4458), Africa(3037), North America(2470), South America(1784), Antarctica(1400), Europe(1018), Australia/Oceania(856)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComShowCursorSerieTooltip of hoCursor to OLEexCursorSerieHide
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Shows the category/x-line when the cursor is near the value

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComShowCursorCategoryLine of hoCursor to OLEexCursorCategoryShowNear
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hides the cursor's category/x-line

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
		Set ComShowCursorCategoryLine of hoCursor to OLEexCursorCategoryHide
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I show the values from the cursor

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Asia(4600), Africa(1300), Europe(747), North America(579), South America(431), Australia/Oceania(42)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voCursor
	Get ComCursor to voCursor
	Handle hoCursor
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCursor)) to hoCursor
	Set pvComObject of hoCursor to voCursor
		Set ComVisible of hoCursor to True
	Send Destroy to hoCursor
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the style to display the axis-line
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voLineOptions
		Get ComAxisLine of hoValueAxis to voLineOptions
		Handle hoLineOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions to voLineOptions
			Set ComStyle of hoLineOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voLineOptions1
		Get ComAxisLine of hoCategoryAxis to voLineOptions1
		Handle hoLineOptions1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions1
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions1 to voLineOptions1
			Set ComStyle of hoLineOptions1 to 2
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Paris(2148271),Marseille(1748148),Lyon(1637677),Toulouse(1360829),Nice(1000548),Nantes(973133),Strasbourg(785839),Montpellier(590741),Bordeaux(589649),Lille(484786)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color to show the axis

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voLineOptions
		Get ComAxisLine of hoValueAxis to voLineOptions
		Handle hoLineOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions to voLineOptions
			Set ComColor of hoLineOptions to "red"
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Variant voLineOptions1
		Get ComAxisLine of hoCategoryAxis to voLineOptions1
		Handle hoLineOptions1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComLineOptions)) to hoLineOptions1
		Set pvComObject of hoLineOptions1 to voLineOptions1
			Set ComColor of hoLineOptions1 to "red"
		Send Destroy to hoLineOptions1
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Paris(2148271),Marseille(1748148),Lyon(1637677),Toulouse(1360829),Nice(1000548),Nantes(973133),Strasbourg(785839),Montpellier(590741),Bordeaux(589649),Lille(484786)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the step to show the ticks for value or category axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voTickOptions
		Get ComMajorTicks of hoValueAxis to voTickOptions
		Handle hoTickOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComTickOptions)) to hoTickOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoTickOptions to voTickOptions
			Set ComStep of hoTickOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoTickOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Berlin(3769495),Hamburg(1847253),Munich(1471508),Cologne(1085664),Frankfurt(753056),Stuttgart(731374),Düsseldorf(620877),Dortmund(586600),Essen(582760),Bremen(565719)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the number of ticks to skip for value or category axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voTickOptions
		Get ComMajorTicks of hoValueAxis to voTickOptions
		Handle hoTickOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComTickOptions)) to hoTickOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoTickOptions to voTickOptions
			Set ComSkip of hoTickOptions to 3
		Send Destroy to hoTickOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Berlin(3769495),Hamburg(1847253),Munich(1471508),Cologne(1085664),Frankfurt(753056),Stuttgart(731374),Düsseldorf(620877),Dortmund(586600),Essen(582760),Bremen(565719)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the style to show the major-ticks of value or category axes
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voTickOptions
		Get ComMajorTicks of hoValueAxis to voTickOptions
		Handle hoTickOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComTickOptions)) to hoTickOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoTickOptions to voTickOptions
			Set ComStyle of hoTickOptions to 1
			Set ComWidth of hoTickOptions to 3
		Send Destroy to hoTickOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Berlin(3769495),Hamburg(1847253),Munich(1471508),Cologne(1085664),Frankfurt(753056),Stuttgart(731374),Düsseldorf(620877),Dortmund(586600),Essen(582760),Bremen(565719)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the color to show the major-ticks of value or category axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voTickOptions
		Get ComMajorTicks of hoValueAxis to voTickOptions
		Handle hoTickOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComTickOptions)) to hoTickOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoTickOptions to voTickOptions
			Set ComColor of hoTickOptions to "red"
			Set ComWidth of hoTickOptions to 3
		Send Destroy to hoTickOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Berlin(3769495),Hamburg(1847253),Munich(1471508),Cologne(1085664),Frankfurt(753056),Stuttgart(731374),Düsseldorf(620877),Dortmund(586600),Essen(582760),Bremen(565719)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the size to show the major-ticks of value or category axes
Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voTickOptions
		Get ComMajorTicks of hoValueAxis to voTickOptions
		Handle hoTickOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComTickOptions)) to hoTickOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoTickOptions to voTickOptions
			Set ComWidth of hoTickOptions to 3
		Send Destroy to hoTickOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Berlin(3769495),Hamburg(1847253),Munich(1471508),Cologne(1085664),Frankfurt(753056),Stuttgart(731374),Düsseldorf(620877),Dortmund(586600),Essen(582760),Bremen(565719)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the step to show the major-grid lines, for value or category axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComStep of hoGridLinesOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Bucharest(1883425),Cluj-Napoca(316748),Timisoara(319279),Iasi(382484),Constanta(283872),Brasov(253200),Galati(249432),Craiova(269506),Ploiesti(209945),Oradea(222239)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the number of major grid-line's to skip, for value or category axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComSkip of hoGridLinesOptions to 3
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Bucharest(1883425),Cluj-Napoca(316748),Timisoara(319279),Iasi(382484),Constanta(283872),Brasov(253200),Galati(249432),Craiova(269506),Ploiesti(209945),Oradea(222239)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the style of the major grid-line (dash, dot, ...), for value or category axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComStyle of hoGridLinesOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Bucharest(1883425),Cluj-Napoca(316748),Timisoara(319279),Iasi(382484),Constanta(283872),Brasov(253200),Galati(249432),Craiova(269506),Ploiesti(209945),Oradea(222239)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the major grid-line's color, for value or category axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoGridLinesOptions to "red"
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Bucharest(1883425),Cluj-Napoca(316748),Timisoara(319279),Iasi(382484),Constanta(283872),Brasov(253200),Galati(249432),Craiova(269506),Ploiesti(209945),Oradea(222239)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the major grid-line's width or size, for value or category axes

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Variant voGridLinesOptions
		Get ComMajorGridLines of hoValueAxis to voGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComGridLinesOptions)) to hoGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoGridLinesOptions to voGridLinesOptions
			Set ComWidth of hoGridLinesOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Bucharest(1883425),Cluj-Napoca(316748),Timisoara(319279),Iasi(382484),Constanta(283872),Brasov(253200),Galati(249432),Craiova(269506),Ploiesti(209945),Oradea(222239)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide the labels of the grid lines (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 64
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Aligns the labels of the grid lines (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 64
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "`<fgcolor gray>` + value"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to (OLEexTextNoClip + OLEexTextAlignRight)
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines where the grid lines appear on chart or overview

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "value = `Sitka`"
			Set ComAlign of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to OLEexTextCalcRect
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the labels between grid lines (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoCategoryAxis to "``"
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "`<c>` + value + `<br><c>` + index"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the step to show the grid lines (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "index"
			Set ComStep of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the number of grid lines to skip (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "index"
			Set ComSkip of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 3
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the grid-line dash-dot-dot-style (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComStyle of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 4
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "index"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the grid-line dash-dot-style (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComStyle of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 3
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "index"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the grid-line dot-style (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComStyle of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 2
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "index"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines the grid-line dash-style (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComStyle of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 1
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "index"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the grid-line's color (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "red"
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "index"
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Specifies the grid-line's width or size (chart, overview)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voCategoryAxis
	Get ComCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
	Handle hoCategoryAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComCategoryAxis)) to hoCategoryAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoCategoryAxis to voCategoryAxis
		Set ComCategories of hoCategoryAxis to "Anchorage,Juneau,Fairbanks,Sitka,Ketchikan,Wasilla,Kenai,Kodiak,Bethel,Palmer"
		Variant voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get ComChartGridLines of hoCategoryAxis to voFormatGridLinesOptions
		Handle hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Get Create (RefClass(cComFormatGridLinesOptions)) to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
		Set pvComObject of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to voFormatGridLinesOptions
			Set ComColor of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "black"
			Set ComFormat of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to "index"
			Set ComWidth of hoFormatGridLinesOptions to 2
		Send Destroy to hoFormatGridLinesOptions
	Send Destroy to hoCategoryAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "291247,32269,30917,8588,8208,10529,7757,5968,6481,7393" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object
// Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object.
Procedure OnComDblClick Short   llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS   llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS   llY
	Forward Send OnComDblClick llShift llX llY
	Showln "DblClick event"

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComValueSize to 18
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Hulunbuir{China}(263068),Abu Dhabi{United Arab Emirates}(97200),Jiuquan{China}(167996),Altamira{Brazil}(159891),Brasília{Brazil}(5784),Mumbai{India}(603.4),Delhi{India}(1484),Chongqing{China}(82400),Hulunbuir{China}(263068),Sao Paulo{Brazil}(1522),Linfen{China}(20527),Santiago{Chile}(641),Mexico City{Mexico}(1485),Belo Horizonte{Brazil}(313),Hangzhou{China}(16817),Nairobi{Kenya}(696),Berlin{Germany}(891.68),Montreal{Canada}(431.5),Cordoba{Argentina}(576),Manaus{Brazil}(11401),Astana{Kazakhstan}(810),Goiânia{Brazil}(741),Cali{Colombia}(564),Sao Paulo{Brazil}(1522),Goiania{Brazil}(781)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Col"
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control
// Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Procedure OnComClick 
	Forward Send OnComClick 
	Showln "Click event"

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComValueSize to 18
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Hulunbuir{China}(263068),Abu Dhabi{United Arab Emirates}(97200),Jiuquan{China}(167996),Altamira{Brazil}(159891),Brasília{Brazil}(5784),Mumbai{India}(603.4),Delhi{India}(1484),Chongqing{China}(82400),Hulunbuir{China}(263068),Sao Paulo{Brazil}(1522),Linfen{China}(20527),Santiago{Chile}(641),Mexico City{Mexico}(1485),Belo Horizonte{Brazil}(313),Hangzhou{China}(16817),Nairobi{Kenya}(696),Berlin{Germany}(891.68),Montreal{Canada}(431.5),Cordoba{Argentina}(576),Manaus{Brazil}(11401),Astana{Kazakhstan}(810),Goiânia{Brazil}(741),Cali{Colombia}(564),Sao Paulo{Brazil}(1522),Goiania{Brazil}(781)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Col"
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
Determine the code of the key the user presses
// Occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.
Procedure OnComKeyPress Short   llKeyAscii
	Forward Send OnComKeyPress llKeyAscii
	// print"KeyAscii",KeyAscii)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComMisc OLEexUpdateRangeOnScroll to 0
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "China(1403500365),India(1368737513),UnitedStates(330810184),Indonesia(272881945),Pakistan(220892331),Brazil(212559417),Nigeria(206139587),Bangladesh(169575884),Russia(145912025),Mexico(128932753),Japan(126476458),Ethiopia(114963588),Philippines(112392078),Egypt(110530608),Vietnam(97429061),DR.Congo(89561404),Turkey(84339067),Iran(83720412),Germany(83132799),Thailand(69799978),UnitedKingdom(68207116),France(65311982),Italy(59554028),Tanzania(59091392),SouthAfrica(58775022)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "Pie"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "category"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
Determine the code of the key the user just released
// Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.
Procedure OnComKeyUp Short   llKeyCode Short   llShift
	Forward Send OnComKeyUp llKeyCode llShift
	// print"KeyCode",KeyCode)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComMisc OLEexUpdateRangeOnScroll to 0
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Russia(17098242),Canada(9984670),China(9596961),UnitedStates(9525067),Brazil(8515767),Australia(7692024),India(3287263),Argentina(2780400),Kazakhstan(2724900),Algeria(2381741),CongoDemocraticRepublicofthe(2344858),Greenland(2166086),SaudiArabia(2149690),Mexico(1964375),Indonesia(1904569),Sudan(1861484),Libya(1759540),Iran(1648195),Mongolia(1564116),Peru(1285216),Niger(1267000),Chad(1284000),Angola(1246700),Mali(1240192),SouthAfrica(1221037)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
Determine the code of the key the user presses
// Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.
Procedure OnComKeyDown Short   llKeyCode Short   llShift
	Forward Send OnComKeyDown llKeyCode llShift
	// print"KeyCode",KeyCode)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComValueSize to 48
	Set ComMisc OLEexUpdateRangeOnScroll to 0
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Russia(17098242),Canada(9984670),China(9596961),UnitedStates(9525067),Brazil(8515767),Australia(7692024),India(3287263),Argentina(2780400),Kazakhstan(2724900),Algeria(2381741),CongoDemocraticRepublicofthe(2344858),Greenland(2166086),SaudiArabia(2149690),Mexico(1964375),Indonesia(1904569),Sudan(1861484),Libya(1759540),Iran(1648195),Mongolia(1564116),Peru(1285216),Niger(1267000),Chad(1284000),Angola(1246700),Mali(1240192),SouthAfrica(1221037)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
How can reverse the chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComReverse of hoValueAxis to True
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Friendster(121111111),Facebook(979750000),Flickr(79664888),Google Buzz(170000000),Google+(107319100),Hi5(900202990),Instagram(80202990),MySpace(80202990),Orkut(45067022),Pinterest(197319100),Reddit(360250000),Snapchat(280250000),TikTok(860250000),Tumblr(146890156),Twitter(160250000),WeChat(118123370),Weibo(79195730),Whatsapp(1160250000),YouTube(844638200)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComVertical of hoSerie to True
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSeriesColors to "dodgerblue"
How do I enable the scrollbar-extension, as thumb to be shown outside of the control's client area

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComScrollBars to OLEexDisableBoth
	Set ComScrollPartVisible OLEexVScroll OLEexExtentThumbPart to True
	Set ComScrollPartVisible OLEexHScroll OLEexExtentThumbPart to True
	Set ComScrollPartVisible |CI$2 OLEexExtentThumbPart to True
	Set ComScrollWidth to 4
	Set ComBackground |CI$114 to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Set ComBackground |CI$104 to (RGB(128,128,128))
	Set ComScrollHeight to 4
	Set ComBackground |CI$194 to (ComBackground(Self,|CI$114))
	Set ComBackground |CI$184 to (ComBackground(Self,|CI$104))
	Set ComBackground (|CI$12c + OLEexSerieCursorTooltipTransparent) to (ComBackground(Self,|CI$114))
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 6
	Set ComData to "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGraph\Sample\Data/aapl.txt"
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComName of hoSerie to "aapl"
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "candle"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
	Send ComEndUpdate
Define a bubble chart-type

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries Nothing Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComData of hoSerie to "1 99 1,2 96 2,3 92 3,4 86 4,5 79 5,6 70 6,7 60 7,8 50 8,9 38 9,10 25 10,11 13 11"
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "bubble"
			Set ComMisc of hoSerie OLEexScatterPlotSize to 96
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
Is it possible to show the values with the same color (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueAxisFitLabel to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueLineAddAngle to 0
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,,,0,0"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value ? (value / 1000000)  + `<br><c>mil`: ``"
		Set ComTfi of hoValueAxis to "<fgcolor gray> bold"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "China(1439323776),India(1380004385),US(331002651),Indonesia(273523615),Pakistan(220892340),Brazil(212559417),Nigeria(206139589),Bangladesh(164689383),Russia(145934462),Mexico(128932753)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "column"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "((value format ``) replace `.00` with ``)"
			Set ComColor of hoSerie to "blue"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Is it possible to show the values with the same color (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueAxisFitLabel to True
	Set ComMisc OLEexValueLineAddAngle to 0
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,,,0,0"
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value ? (value / 1000000)  + `<br><c>mil`: ``"
		Set ComTfi of hoValueAxis to "<fgcolor gray> bold"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "China(1439323776),India(1380004385),US(331002651),Indonesia(273523615),Pakistan(220892340),Brazil(212559417),Nigeria(206139589),Bangladesh(164689383),Russia(145934462),Mexico(128932753)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "column"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "((value format ``) replace `.00` with ``)"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Variant voSeries1
	Get ComSeries to voSeries1
	Handle hoSeries1
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries1
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries1 to voSeries1
		Variant voSerie1
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries1 "0" Nothing to voSerie1
		Handle hoSerie1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie1
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie1 to voSerie1
			Set ComVisible of hoSerie1 to False
		Send Destroy to hoSerie1
	Send Destroy to hoSeries1
	Set ComSort to "0:D"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Pie chart

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComType of hoSerie to "pie"
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "category + `<br>` + ((percent) format ``) + `%`"
			Set ComLegendFormat of hoSerie to "label + `(` + ((percent) format ``) + `%)`"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,,transparent"
	Variant voLegend
	Get ComLegend to voLegend
	Handle hoLegend
	Get Create (RefClass(cComLegend)) to hoLegend
	Set pvComObject of hoLegend to voLegend
		Set ComVisible of hoLegend to True
	Send Destroy to hoLegend
	Send ComEndUpdate
Define the pad for value-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,,,,8"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide the frame around the value-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,,,0"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Remove the frame around the value-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,,transparent"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Apply the color of the data-value to the value-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
			Set ComValueFormat of hoSerie to "`<fgcolor white>` + value"
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,null"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Apply an opaque color to the value-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,,red"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Remove the line that connects the value point to value-label (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,0"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Define a shorter line (connects the value point to value-label)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,,8"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Define the size of the line that connects the value point to value-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,1"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide the line that connects the value point to value-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,,0"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Remove the line that connects the value point to value-label (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,transparent"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Change the color to show the line that connects the value point to value-label

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,,red"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Change the frame's size around the value-point

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,4"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Change the frame's size around the value-point

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,,0"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide the value-points, but still the value-label (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",transparent,transparent"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Hide the value-points, but still the value-label (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to "0"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Change the color to show the border of the value-point

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",,black"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Makes the value point to show in the data-color

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to ",null"
	Send ComEndUpdate
Defines bigger value-points

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "value/100000"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Variant voSerie
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Tokyo(37833000), Delhi(30290000), Shanghai(27058000), São Paulo(22043000), Mumbai(20668000), Beijing(20384000), Karachi(20000000), Dhaka(17072000), Istanbul(15029000), Los Angeles(13131000)" Nothing to voSerie
		Handle hoSerie
		Get Create (RefClass(cComSerie)) to hoSerie
		Set pvComObject of hoSerie to voSerie
			Set ComShowValue of hoSerie to (|CI$ffffff78 + OLEexHideIfEmpty + OLEexValue + OLEexLine + OLEexPoint)
		Send Destroy to hoSerie
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComValuePoint to "16"
	Send ComEndUpdate
How can I change the color to show the axes (method 3)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComFormat of hoValueAxis to "`<fgcolor red>` + value"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Friendster(121111111),Facebook(979750000),Flickr(79664888),Google Buzz(170000000),Google+(107319100),Hi5(900202990),Instagram(80202990),MySpace(80202990),Orkut(45067022),Pinterest(197319100),Reddit(360250000),Snapchat(280250000),TikTok(860250000),Tumblr(146890156),Twitter(160250000),WeChat(118123370),Weibo(79195730),Whatsapp(1160250000),YouTube(844638200)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
How can I change the color to show the axes (method 2)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Variant voValueAxis
	Get ComValueAxis to voValueAxis
	Handle hoValueAxis
	Get Create (RefClass(cComValueAxis)) to hoValueAxis
	Set pvComObject of hoValueAxis to voValueAxis
		Set ComTfi of hoValueAxis to "<fgcolor red>"
	Send Destroy to hoValueAxis
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Friendster(121111111),Facebook(979750000),Flickr(79664888),Google Buzz(170000000),Google+(107319100),Hi5(900202990),Instagram(80202990),MySpace(80202990),Orkut(45067022),Pinterest(197319100),Reddit(360250000),Snapchat(280250000),TikTok(860250000),Tumblr(146890156),Twitter(160250000),WeChat(118123370),Weibo(79195730),Whatsapp(1160250000),YouTube(844638200)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
How can I change the color to show the axes (method 1)

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComForeColor to (RGB(255,0,0))
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Friendster(121111111),Facebook(979750000),Flickr(79664888),Google Buzz(170000000),Google+(107319100),Hi5(900202990),Instagram(80202990),MySpace(80202990),Orkut(45067022),Pinterest(197319100),Reddit(360250000),Snapchat(280250000),TikTok(860250000),Tumblr(146890156),Twitter(160250000),WeChat(118123370),Weibo(79195730),Whatsapp(1160250000),YouTube(844638200)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
Does the control's print supports "fit to page"

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(125),Google(94),Twitter(38),LinkedIn(172),Instagram(53),Pinterest(187),Snapchat(104),WhatsApp(19)" Nothing to Nothing
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(176),Google(81),Twitter(47),LinkedIn(159),Instagram(62),Pinterest(193),Snapchat(118),WhatsApp(25)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
	Handle hoPrint
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrint)) to hoPrint // Import the 'ExPrint 1.0 Control Library' library
		Set ComPrintExt of hoPrint to (pvComObject(Self))
		Send ComPreview of hoPrint
	Send Destroy to hoPrint
How can I print the control

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComValueSize to 36
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "Facebook(125),Google(94),Twitter(38),LinkedIn(172),Instagram(53),Pinterest(187),Snapchat(104),WhatsApp(19)" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Send ComEndUpdate
	Handle hoPrint
	Get Create (RefClass(cComPrint)) to hoPrint // Import the 'ExPrint 1.0 Control Library' library
		Set ComPrintExt of hoPrint to (pvComObject(Self))
		Send ComPreview of hoPrint
	Send Destroy to hoPrint
How do I change the control's foreground color

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComForeColor to (RGB(255,0,0))
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "-1,2,-3,4" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Send ComEndUpdate
How do I change the control's background color

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Send ComBeginUpdate
	Set ComBackColor to (RGB(240,240,240))
	Variant voSeries
	Get ComSeries to voSeries
	Handle hoSeries
	Get Create (RefClass(cComSeries)) to hoSeries
	Set pvComObject of hoSeries to voSeries
		Get ComAdd of hoSeries "1,2,3,4" Nothing to Nothing
	Send Destroy to hoSeries
	Set ComAutoFit to True
	Send ComEndUpdate